Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/76

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54 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL the Crucifixion. A wealth of carved bench-ends of early 16th cent. ; they include representation of a sword-dance, and jester with cap and bells. 1 (Registers, 1688.) Anthony East (67. James), on the St. Germans Creek. Chancel, nave, continuous aisles, N. and S. porches, and W. tower. Rebuilt and consecrated in 1259. Arcades of 6 granite arches each side are Perp. ; N. arcade, earlier of the two, has mono- lith piers. On S. side of chancel widely splayed 13th cent, lancet; a like one, renewed, on N. side. Old quire took in two bays of N. and S. arcades, making fair-sized chapels. Projection for rood- stairs on N. side ; entrances to stairway blocked up by great mural monument to Sir John Carew, 1692. Pointed windows on N. and square-headed ones on S. are coeval with their respective aisles, c. 1425 and 1475. Well-carved wagon roof to N. porch. In quire, on N. side, 5 old pieces of 15th cent, bench-ends, with figures of 4 Evangelists and St. John Baptist. Tower of two lofty stages with diagonal W. buttresses; stair turret projects at N.E. angle, and rises above battlements. Lower stage contains fair amount of Norm, work, but tower rebuilt throughout c. 1425. Six steps lead up from nave into tower. In S. wall of chancel a single-pointed sedile, and piscina niche of 13th cent. In S. aisle a late piscina. In N. jamb of 1 Account of this church with excellent series of plates, including screen before restoration, in R.I.C., x. 263-273.