Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/86

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62 THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL of church much rebuilt in 1814. Continuous, costly, and somewhat unhappy restorations prevailed from 1867 to 1888, with result that very little of old wagon roofs remain, save in S. chancel aisle, where there are good ribs and bosses, and wall plates (dated 1472) with 9 small angels remaining. Considerable remains of rood-screen and aisle screens extant, in situ, up to 1775. Of the base of rood-screen there are 14 richly foliated and scrolled early 16th cent, panels at E. end of nave in front of Corporation seats ; round desk of recently constructed faldstool are pieces of its carved cornice. Three-sided turret for rood-stairs projects from S. wall, but part of " restoration " scheme included filling up of lower and upper doorways, and of communicating openings in both arcades. 1 About 40 well-carved bench-ends were worked up into frontals of nave seats, and into low screen between chancel and chapel ; 5 of those in this screen are of 1 6th cent, arabesque work. Contract entered into with Matthew More, carpenter, in 149 1, to make seats like those of St. Mary's, Plympton, "or better." Pulpit was contracted for at same time, to follow pattern of one at Morton H amp- stead ; its 6 panels are beautifully carved with crocketed and cusped ogee tracery ; base, a modern 1 The present writer first took notes of this church in 1 876 when restoration was in progress ; at that time many screen-fragments and bench-ends were heaped up in chamber over porch.