Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/91

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 65 beautiful flowing tracery of Flamboyant design. Remains of triple sedilia and piscina. Near W. entrance to churchyard stands an octa- gonal pier inscribed, u From the Priory Church, consecrated 1352." This fine Franciscan church, of equal dimensions to the parish church, stood in the centre of the town ; it was desecrated at the Dissolution and used as an Assize Court up till 1837, when it was taken down. At the top of Rhind Street, in midst of present cemetery, stands the roofless three-staged tower of another large church pertaining to Guild of Holy Cross; it was wantonly destroyed in Reformation days. Botus Fleming (St. Mary). — Renewed and dedi- cated in 1259. Chancel, nave of 5 bays, continuous N. aisle, and W. tower. Of older church, massive font, 29 in. square, with slightly pointed arcading, c. 1 190, remains, and effigy of a cross-legged mail- clad knight, now in N. aisle, supposed to represent Stephen St. Fleming, founder of church, temp. Richard I. The 13th cent, church disappeared during 15th cent. S. porch, S. side of church and E. window are early in latter cent. To- wards end of 15th cent., tower and N. aisle were built. N. aisle has a granite arcade of 5 arches. Second pier from W. end has on its W. front — carved out of monolith which forms pier — base and canopy for image of same size, probably for St. Christopher ; piers E. and W. of this have E