Page:Cournot Theory of Wealth (1838).djvu/223

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Barone, Enrico. Sopra un libro del Wicksell. Giorn. 

degii econ., Nov., 16 pp. 1895 Sanger, C. P. Recent contributions to mathematical economics. Econ, Jour,, vol. V., pp. 113-38. 1895 Sanger, C. P. The fair number of apprentices in a trade. Econ, Jour., vol. V, pp. 616-36. 1895 Haynes, John. Risk as an economic factor. Quart Jour. Econ., vol. IX, pp. 409-49. [Very slightly math.]

Yule, G. U. On the correlation of total pauperism 

with proportion of outrelief Econ. Jour., vol. V, pp. 603-8 [continued, 1896, vol. VI, pp. 613-21].

BiRCK, L. U. Konsumenter kontra Producenter. 

Nationaloek. Tidsskrift, pp. 419-41. [Slightly math.] 1896 Ci^RK, J. B. The unit of wealth. In Staatswiss. Arbeiten Festgaben fiir Karl Knies, pp. 3-20. Berlin (Haering). [Slightly math.] 1896 Patten, S. N. The theory of social forces. Suppl. to Annals Amer, Acad. Polit, and Soc. Set,, Jan., pp. 1-15 1. [Very slightly math.] 1896 MoNTEL, Enrico de. Le leggi dell' intéresse Scansano (Olmi), 23 pp.

WuLFF, Julius. Have Forbrugere og Producenter 

modsatte Intéresser? Nationaloek, Tidsskri/t, pp. 596-621.

Fisher, Irving. Senses of " rapital." Econ, Jour., 

vol. VII, pp. 199-213. [Very slightly math.] 1897 Wicksell, Knut. Review of Vilfredo Pareto's Cours d'économie politique. Tome I. Zeitschr. fur Volkswirthschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung, B(i. VII, Heft I, p. 160. [Math, note.]