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The Court Journal, 22nd August 1835, page 529


Let morning light fall o'er thee,
While I am far away:
Let hope, sweet hope restore thee
All we have dreamed to-day.

    I would not have thee keep me
In mind, by tears alone:
I would not have thee weep me
Love mine when I am gone.

    No; as the brook is flowing,
With sunshine on its tide,
While fair and wild flowers blowing,
Lean lovely at its side!

    So linked with many a treasure
Of nature, and of spring,
With all that gives thee pleasure,
My heart to thine shall cling.

    The rose shall be enchanted,
To breathe of sighs to thee;
All fair things shall be haunted
With vows of faith from me.

    The west wind shall secure thee
My tidings o'er the main;
But most of all assure thee,
How soon we meet again.
L. E. L.