Page:Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) Ordinance (Cap. 638).pdf/36

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Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) Ordinance

Part 9
Ord. No. 20 of 2020
Section 34

Part 9
Savings and Transitional Arrangements

34. Interpretation of Part 9

In this Part—

commencement date (實施日期) means the date on which Part 5 comes into operation;

existing system (現行系統) means any electronic means other than an e-system;

relevant date (有關日期), in relation to a particular section 8 purpose, means the date specified under section 35(3) for that purpose;

section 8 purpose (第8條用途) means a purpose for which an e-system may be used under section 8;

transitional period (過渡期), in relation to a particular section 8 purpose, means the period beginning on the commencement date and ending on the relevant date.

35. Continued use of existing systems during transitional period

(1) If, immediately before the commencement date, an existing system was used for a section 8 purpose, despite anything in this Ordinance, during the transitional period, the existing system may continue to be used for that purpose.

(2) Anything that is done by means of an existing system during the transitional period pursuant to subsection (1) has the same effect as if it were done by means of an e-system.

(3) In relation to a section 8 purpose, the Chief Justice may, by notice published in the Gazette—