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The i. boke of Moſes.

The iiij. Chap.

thou haſt herkened vnto the voyce of thy wyfe, and haſt eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, ſayenge: thou ſhalt not eate of it.[footnote 1] Curſed be ye earth for thy ſake. With ſorowe ſhalt thou eate therof, all the dayes of thy life. Thornes and thiſtles ſhalt it beare vnto the, and thou ſhalt eate the herbes of the felde. In the ſweate of thy face ſhalt thou eate thy bred, tyll thou be turned agayne vnto earth, whēce thou art takē: for earth thou art, and vnto earth ſhalt thou be turned agayne.[crossref 1]


And Adam called his wyfe Heua, becauſe ſhe is the mother of all lyuynge. And the LORDE God made Adam ⁊ his wyfe garmentes of ſkynnes, ⁊ theſe he put on them. And the LORDE God ſayde: lo Adam is become as it were one of vs, ⁊ knoweth good ⁊ euell. But now leſt he ſtretch his hande, and take alſo of the tre of life, and eate, and lyue for euer. Then the LORDE God put him out of the garden of Eden, to tyll ye earth, whēce he was takē. And he caſt Adam out. And before the garden of Eden he ſet Cherubes, and a naked fyrie ſwerde, to kepe ye waye vnto the tre of life.

The IIII. Chapter.


MOrouer Adam laye with Heua his wyfe, which cōceaued ⁊ bare Cain, and ſayde, I haue opteyned ye man of the LORDE. And ſhe proceaded forth, ⁊ bare his brother Abell. And Abell became a ſhepherde, but Cain became an hußbandeman.

And it fortuned after certaine daies, that Cain brought of the frute of the earth, an offrynge vnto ye LORDE. And Abell brought alſo of the firſtlinges of his ſhepe, and of ye fat of them.[crossref 2] And the LORDE had reſpecte vnto Abell and to his offrynge: but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged. And the LORDE ſayde vnto Cain: Why art thou angrie? and why doth thy countenaunce chaunge? Is it not ſo? that yf thou do well, thou ſhalt receaue it: but and yf thou do euell, thy ſynne lyeth open in the dore? [footnote 2]Shal he then be ſubdued vnto the? and wilt thou rule him? And Cain talked with Abell his brother.


And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain aroſe agaynſt Abell his brother, and ſlew him. Then ſayde the LORDE vnto Cain: Where is Abell thy brother? He ſayde: I can not tell.[crossref 3] Am I my brothers keper?[crossref 4] And he ſayde: What haſt thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the earth.[crossref 5]

And now ſhalt thou be curſed vpon the earth, which hath opened hir mouth, and receaued thy brothers bloude of thine hande. Whan thou tylleſt ye grounde, ſhe ſhall henßforth not geue hir power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate ſhalt thou be vpon ye earth. And Cain ſayde vnto ye LORDE: my ſynne is greater, then that it maye be forgeuen me. Beholde, thou caſteſt me out this daye from out of ye londe, and from yi ſight muſt I hyde my ſelf, and muſt be a vagabunde and a rennagate vpon ye earth. And thus ſhal it go with me.


But the LORDE ſayde thus vnto him, Who ſo euer ſlayeth Cain, it ſhalbe auenged ſeuenfolde.[crossref 6] And the LORDE put a marck vpon Cain, that no man which founde him, ſhulde kyll him. So Cain wente out from ye face of the LORDE, and dwelt in the lande Nod, vpon the eaſt ſyde of Eden.

And Cain laye with his wyfe, which conceaued and bare Henoch. And he buylded a cite, and called it after the name of his ſonne Henoch. And Henoch begat Jrad, Jrad begat Mahuial. Mahuial begat Mathuſael. Mathuſael begat Lamech.

And Lamech toke him two wyues: ye one was called Ada, ⁊ the other Zilla. And Ada bare Jabel, of whom came they that dwelt in tentes and had catell. And his brothers name was Juball: Of him came they that occupied harpes ⁊ pypes. And Zilla ſhe alſo bare Tubalcain, a worker in all connynge poyntes of metall ⁊ yron. And Tubalcains ſiſter was called Naema.


And Lamech ſayde vnto his wyues Ada and Zilla: Heare my voyce(ye wyues of Lamech) and herken vnto my wordes: for I haue ſlayne a man, and wounded my ſelfe: and(haue kylled) a yonge man, and gottē my ſelf ſtrypes. Cain ſhalbe auēged ſeuē tymes: but Lamech ſeuen and ſeuentie tymes.

Adam laye yet with his wyfe agayne, ⁊ ſhe bare a ſonne, and called him Seth. For

  1. bowe downe thy ſelf before thy huſbande.
  2. Some reade: *Let it be ſubdued vnto the, & rule thou it.
  1. Eccl. 40. b
    Iob. 34. b
  2. Heb. 11. a
  3. Sap. 10. a
  4. 1. Ioh. 3. b
  5. Heb. 12. d
  6. Gen. 4.