Page:Cracow - Lepszy.djvu/186

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of its kind. These are characterized by a touch of satire, like that pervading the woodcuts in Sebastian Brant's Ship of Fools, or the engravings of Martin Schongauer (illustration 12). The miniatures, unequal in value as they are, contain much living truth and give us a faithful image of the Cracow citizens' life and occupations. A prayer-book of Queen Bona Sforza, of 1526
(National Museum.)
(now at Oxford), and a richly illuminated missal with a portrait of King Sigismund I, were probably likewise painted by Czymerman. Another work of his is an interesting oil-painting of the Holy Trinity in the National Museum (illustration 80). In this he repeats motives both of Wohlgemut and of Diirer, and it is particularly remarkable that the features of God the Father are imitated from those of Albrecht Dürer himself, as the painter