Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/171

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of a solemn troth. Yet she knew that their parting was to be for ever. She would be always with him in spirit, but neither might hope to look upon the other's face again.

Twenty years passed in this retirement, under the guardianship of the wise and fatherly Valmiki, whom the twin sons of Sita regarded as a kind and beloved grandfather. But when twenty years had gone by there came to Valmiki's hermitage the news of a royal sacrifice at Ayodhya. Now the saint had already composed Ramayana, and taught it to Lava and Kusa, the sons of Rama. He determined, therefore, to take the boys to Ayodhya and let them sing the poem before their father, on the occasion of the sacrifice.

Long before it was finished, Rama had realised that the lads before him must be his own. It took many days to chant the poem, but the King and his counsellors listened greedily to the end. Then, with a sigh, Rama turned to the great Valmiki and said, '^ Ah, if only Sita were here 1 But she could never consent to a second trial of her honour I "

^' Let me ask her ! " answered Valmiki, who longed above all things to bring this husband and wife together once more, for the happiness of both.

To the surprise of Rama, word was brought