Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/253

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had come to visit their city, by playing on them a practical joke, and these beings of miraculous power had, in their wrath, it was said, called down a curse upon the race, that its members should one day be seized with a madness from the gods, and exterminate each other. A terror without a name was felt amongst the people. At the very moment when their pride was at its height, it seemed as if coming disaster had thrown its shadow over them.

The matter was carried to the ears of Ugrasena the King. Krishna was consulted ; but in Him there could be no fear ; for He regarded the world as a drama watched by the soul ; and as one would not cry out, in fear of the catastrophe seen in a play, even so He, the Lord, could feel no dread of the course of events. He smiled gently therefore on the perplexity of the King and his subjects. " That which is to be will surely happen," He said quietly, and left the Council. But Ugrasena could not regard thus calmly the possible calamity. He knew well that if only the Vrishnis maintained self-control they had no enemies who need be feared. Now he regarded wine and intoxicating liquors of all kinds as open doors to the madness of a gathering. Had it not been said that the knights would be seized with some strange illusion, that, intoxicated with pride, they would slay each other ? He therefore sternly