Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/267

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one but his own father. The teacher, to have him better under his control, took the prince to his own home. It was all to no purpose. When they taught him his alphabet, showing him the letter K, "Yes, that is for Krishna," the child would reply, and learn it eagerly. G, — "For Gopala," said Prahlad, and everything that they could teach him, he applied at once in this way. Not only did he himself talk of nothing but Krishna ; he spent much of his time also in teach- ing his worship to the boys around him. This was too much. After struggling in vain to reform his pupil, the distressed schoolmaster felt that he must appeal to Hiranyakasipu, or the mischief would soon spread too far to be set right. The King's anger was great, and he sent for his son. " I hear that you have been worshipping Krishna! " he thundered, when the little boy, who had been brought away from his books, stood before the throne. "Yes, father ! " said Prahlad bravely, " I have." " Are you going to promise me that you will never do it again ? " asked the King, and he looked very terrible, while the royal jewel in his turban shook with rage.

" No, father, I cannot promise," said poor little Prahlad.

" You cannot promise I " shouted his father, in amazement at his daring. " But I can have you killed!".