Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/279

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voice of the Lotus -Eyed in his heart, saying, <<ComeI Cornel" And he waited. All at once, out of the darkness of the forest there appeared before him a holy man, whose name was Narada, and he laid his hands on his head, saying ** Little One, you seek the Lotus-Eyed 1 Let me teach you the way by which you shall find Him, and where I "

And then he showed him how to sit down on the earth, without moving, and to say over and over again, ^' Hail, Blessed One, Ivord of the Worlds 1 Hail I " And he said that if his whole thought could fasten without wavering, in perfect steadiness, on the words he spoke, he would find the Lotus-Eyed, without a doubt.

The boy sank down on the ground, as he was told, and began to repeat the sacred text. Like a rock he sat there, moving not a muscle. Even when the white ants came to build their anthill, and raised it up around him, he never stirred. For deep in his own heart Druwa had found the Lotus-Eyed, and he had come to rest for ever.

So the Pole Star was given him for his home, and is called to this day Druwa-Lok.

But some say that away beyond it is another, larger and just as true, and that there Druwa's mother^ Suniti, was placed, that her child might be always at her feet, and joy be hers, throughout the countless ages of those stars.