Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/310

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And when the King Ufted up his face, the place of the speaker was empty, and only twenty-four figures supported the marble slab.

And so there was another three days of royal retreat, and he prepared himself with prayer and with fasting to come again and essay to sit on the Judgment-Seat of Vikramaditya.

But this time it was even as before. Another stone angel addressed him, and asked him a question which was yet more searching. << Hast thou never y" it said, *' coveted the riches of another ? "

And when at last he spoke and said, '< Yea, 1 have done this thing ; I am not worthy to sit on the Judgment-Seat of Vikramaditya I " the angel commanded him to fast and pray yet another three days, and spread its wings and flew away into the blue.

At last four times twenty-four days had gone, and still three more days of fasting, and it was now the hundredth day. Only one angel was left supporting the marble slab, and the King drew near with great confidence, for to-day he I'elt sure of being allowed to take his place.

But as he drew near and prostrated, the last angel spoke : <' Art thou, then, perfectly pure in heart, O King?" it said. " Is thy will like unto that of a little child ? If so, thou art indeed worthy to sit on this scat I "