Page:Crafty princess, or, The golden bull (1).pdf/5

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My impudent Daughter has ſhun'd me, I ſee,
The Prince that was here ſent choice preſents to me,
Therefore to requite him, I now do approve,
To lead him this Bull as a preſent of love.


He ſent it on board then, with diligent care,
But ne'er thought his beautiful daughter was there.
She carried choice ſweet-meats for her nouriſhment,
And at last they arrived where the preſent was ſent.

This Prince lik'd the preſent, and gave a commind,
That the Golden Bull in his chamber ſhould ſtand,
That he might view it each day I declare;
But little did dream that a Princeſs was there.

Quite out of the Bull, in the night, ſhe did creep,
And kiſs'd the young Prince, as he lay aſleep;
She left a rich neckcloth, embroider'd with gold,
Which he, on his pillow, next day, did behold.

The Prince had a mother, to whom he did ſay,
Who did you let into my chamber, I pray?
Son, there has been none, I do vow and protest:
He loc'd up the neckcloth, and laugh'd at the jeſt.

Next night, as he lay aſleep, to be plain,
This Lady crepe ſoftly, and kiſs'd him again.
Next morning a handkerchief he did behold,
Embroider'd with all ſorts of flowers in gold.

He ſaid to his Mother, pray tell me right,
What Lady has been in my chamber this night?
Dear Son, you have very ſtrange whimſies I find.
He took little notice, but ponder'd in mind.

What Lady this is, I will be ſatisfy'd,
If it be for love, I will make her my bride;
(I'll ſee, for a fancy, who comes to any room)
But if ſhe's a harlot, death ſhall be her doom.