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Mazie (reading)

Why, it sez: “Fashionable Willows Avenue Residence Scene of Double Tragedy—Bodies of J. Fergus Passmore and Wife, Socially Prominent in This City, Found Dead in Library from Bullet Wounds—Empty Revolver Near Fireplace—Cause of Death Shrouded in Mystery—Police Working upon Identity of Gentleman Visitor Seen Leaving Premises in Automobile Shortly After Midnight.” (Mazie looks fearfully at Mrs. Harold, who shakes her head dolefully) “About eight o’clock this morning upon entering the library in the home of Mr. J. Fergus Passmore of 2214 Willows Avenue, Miss Selma Coates, a colored maid—”

Mrs. Harold

Twenty-two fourteen must be out near the lake. (The front doorbell rings incisively) See who that is, Mazie.
[Mrs. Harold disappears into the other room and Mazie crosses up to the door at the left, putting down the newspaper on the table as she passes.

Mrs. Craig (out on the porch)

We can leave these right here, Ethel,—Mazie’ll bring them in.


Oh, how do you do, Mrs. Craig.

Mrs. Craig

Hello, Mazie.

Mazie (going out)

You’re back a little ahead of time.
[Mrs. Harold comes in through the portières, peering out toward the front porch.

Mrs. Craig

Yes, a little. Will you take these things, Mazie?