Page:Craven-Grey - Hindustani manual.djvu/270

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<poem> 142. State ; report ; remark ; view. Kaifiyat, f.

143. Steam. Bhap, m.

144. Storm. Ahdhi, H., f. (prop, blinding dust-storm) ; tflfan (gen.). Nuh ka tflfan (Noah's Flood).

145. Stuffing. Vide Enlistment.

146. Submit ; bring up (a case or a person). Pesh k. ; dar-pesh, h. (to be in course of trial) ; darpesh hai (=is on the tapis].

147. Suit to; agree with (of climate, food, etc.,); to prove auspicious. Ras ana.

148. Summoning before court. Talabl (hona\ f.

149. Tamed ; brought up (of children). Paid, tiu,a, p.p. and adj.

150. Traditionary jester ;amusing fellow. Shaikh Chulll ; yih bara Shaikh Chulll hai (he is an amusing devil) ; Shaikh Chulll-pan mat karo (don't play the fool).

151. Training. Tarbiyat, f. (K).

152. Treat. Mere sath akhlaq se (or miharbani se) *pesh ay a (he treated me courteously).