Page:Crawford - Love in idleness.djvu/169

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"What a speech!"

"Because it's a plain one? Is that why you object to it? After all, that's what we said."

"We only said we'd play," answered Lawrence. "Whichever ends by caring must agree to marry the winner, if required. But I'm afraid the time is too short," he added, more gravely. "I've only a week more."

"Only a week!" exclaimed Fanny, in a tone of disappointment. "Why, I thought there was ever so much more. That isn't nearly time enough."

"We must play faster—and hope for 'situations,' as they call them on the stage."

"Oh—the situation is bad enough, as it is," answered the young girl, with a change of manner that surprised her companion. "If you only knew!"

"Was that what you were going to tell me about?" asked Lawrence, quickly, and with renewed interest. "I thought you were making game of me."

"That's the trouble! You'll never believe