Page:Creole Sketches.djvu/114

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two lazy policemen on the beat, and the cook of the neighboring boarding-house, and the confectioner at the southeast corner, and the shoemaker at the northwest corner, and the butcher at the southwest corner, and the coal woman just round the northeast corner. Then they got ready to work; and commenced to hammer away to the air —

"Madame Caba,
Tiyon vous tombe;
Madame Caba,
Tiyon vous tombe;
Ah, la reine,
Piye la su' moi;
Madame Caba
Piye la su' moi;
Madame Caba
Chandelle 'te teigne," etc.

Then it got dark, and they took another drink and went home. And it was even so next day also, and the next, and so for twenty-three days; and that awning still remains in a wild and savage condition of incompleteness.