Page:Creole Sketches.djvu/124

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vailed over all other considerations, and the stranger soon found himself in a comfortable bed with good medical attendance. The girl and her mother watched by his bedside and nursed him until he got well again. As he was only a poor sailor, utterly penniless, he could not even offer to recompense them: and as he could not speak English beyond such few words as a stranger picks up in a foreign port, he could not even thank them by word of mouth. Before he had even fully recovered his health, he left the house in spite of the old lady's remonstrances, and, kissing her hand with every sign of gratitude, he went his way. As he was never seen there again, it was supposed that he had been able to ship upon some Spanish vessel.

. . . Long afterward, it happened, by some strange chance, that the young Algerine above referred to found herself in