Page:Cricket, by WG Grace.djvu/108

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it was finally decided that Law X. should read thus:

"The ball must be bowled; if thrown or jerked, the umpire shall call 'no-ball.'"

That settled for good the vexed question of the height of arm in delivering the ball, and bowlers and umpires breathed more freely afterwards. Surrey and Nottinghamshire met in July, and it was thought their differences were at an end; but when England met Surrey a month later, the crack Northern players would not come ; and they also absented themselves from the North v. South match, in September. In the last match the North was poorly represented, and the South won very easily. So indignant were the Southern players that at the end of the first day's play they met and drew up the following protest :

"We, the South of England, decline playing at Newmarket on the 6th, 7th, and 8th October, as they, the North of England, refused to play in London. (Signed) T. Lockyer, W. Mortlock, E. Pooley, James Lillywhite, jun., G. Bennett, T. Humphrey, H. Jupp, C. H. Ellis, T. Hearne, T. Sewell, jun., G. Griffith, John Lillywhite, and Julius Caesar."

That did not improve matters; in reality it widened the breach, and created a schism between North and South, which led to the formation of the United South Eleven, and the North of Thames v. South of Thames matches; and in after years the All-England and United Elevens were seen very little in the south.

It was a most unhappy state of affairs and, but for the firmness of the M.C.C. and the leading amateurs of the various counties and clubs, might have had serious consequences. Fortunately, a love for the game was springing up all over the United Kingdom, and good