Page:Crime and government at Hong Kong.pdf/107

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3. Of the third are "charges" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8.

4. Of the fourth are "charges" 6, 7, 12, 13, and 14.

For reasons already suggested, I must not offer any advice to H. E., touching the mode of supplying the deficiencies or correcting the excesses of the "List," with respect to the statements in Council or the letter to Lord Stanley.

But I have no hesitation in saying, that the whole of my correspon dence with you, including the appendices, ought to be laid before the Commission, together with this my very respectful remonstrance.

I have the honour to be,


Your very obedient servant,

(Signed) T. C. Anstey.

The Hon. W. T. Bridges, Esq., D.C.L., A.C.S.

I likewise subjoin that "List of Charges," as printed by Dr. Bridges, in the Hong Kong Government Gazette, and also at the head of the "Report."



1. With being unfit to be a Justice of the Peace [an inference].

2. With having a scandalous connection with a Brothel licensed by himself, namely, Brothel No. 48.

3. With having passed a portion of his life among Chinese outlaws and pirates [involved in No. 6, 7, 9, and 13].

4. With an alliance with some of the worst Chinese in this colony through his wife—a Chinese girl from a Brothel.

5. With being a speculator in Brothels and Brothel Licenses [involved in No. 2].

6. With being long and intimately connected with Mah-Chow Wong; and that that connection is still subsisting; and that the principal link in that connection is the bond of affinity by adoption, according to Chinese law.

7. With being in the habit, on Mah-Chow Wong's unsupported information, of arresting and discharging persons, and of confiscating or restoring property.

8. That the Chinese dare not now complain of the connivances