Page:Criminal Code of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1961.pdf/58

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rubles, with or without imposition of the obligation to make restitution for the damage done.

The willful destruction or damaging of the personal property of citizens committed by means of arson or another means involving general danger, or which has caused the loss of human life, or other serious consequences—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed eight years.

Article 150. Negligence resulting in the destruction or damaging of the personal property of citizens

The destruction or damaging of the personal property of citizens as the result of negligence with respect to fire, which has causes the loss of human life or other serious consequences—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year.

Article 151. Crimes against the property of associations which are not socialist organizations

Crimes against the property of associations which are not socialist organizations, when committed with respect to property located on the territory of thee RSFSR—

shall be punishable in accordance with the articles of the present chapter.

Chapter Six
Economic Crimes

Article 152. The issuing of products which are of low quality, not standard, or incomplete

The issuing, repeatedly or in large amounts, from an industrial enterprise, of products which are of low quality, or which do not meet the requirements of standards or technical specifications, or which ave incomplete, by a director, chief engineer, or head of a technical control section, or by persons holding other positions but performing the duties of the aforementioned persons—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by removal from position.