Page:Criminal Code of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1961.pdf/60

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exceed one year, or by deprivation of the right to occupy positions at trading enterprises or enterprises serving food to the public.

Tho same acts, when committed on a large scale or by persons previously convicted of the same crime—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from two to seven years, with or without confiscation of property, with deprivation of the right to occupy positions at trading enterprises or enterprises serving food to the public.

Article 157. The release for sale of goods which are of low quality, non-standard, or incomplete

The release for sale to trading enterprises, repeatedly or in a large scale, of goods known to be of low quality, non-standard, or incomplete, by the head of a store, tags, warehouse, or section, or by a spoilage specialist or a marketing specialist—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed two years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 1000 rubles, or by deprivation of the right to hold the positions in question.

Article 158. The illegal manufacture, sale, and storage of alcoholic beverages

The manufacture or storage, not for purposes of sale, of primitively distilled vodka or other strong alcoholic beverages with respect to which there exists a special prohibition, and in like manner the manufacture, not for purposes of sale, of equipment for their distillation, if the guilty party hes previously been subjected to measures or social or administrative action for the same acts—

shall be punishable by corrective labor for a period not to exceed six months, or by a fine not to exceed 1000 rubles.

The manufacture or storage, for purposes of sale, of primitively distilled vodka or other strong alcoholic beverages with respect to which there exists a special prohibition, or the manufacture, for purposes of sale, of of equipment for their distillation, and in like manner the sale of such alcoholic beverages and such equipment—

shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period not to exceed three years, or by corrective labor for a period not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed 3,000 rubles.

Article 159. Forgery of postage stamps and transportation tickets

The forgery of postage stamps or other tokens of postal payment, or of international reply coupons, and in like manner the use or