Page:Criminal Code of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1961.pdf/83

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republics, autonomous blasts, and other areas of the RSFSR where the socially dangerous acts enumerated in the present chapter constitute vestiges of local customs.

Chapter Twelve
Military Crimes

Article 237. The concept of a military crime

Military crimes are crimes specified by the present Code against the established procedure for the performance of military service commuted by military personnel, or by persons subject to military service when assembled for training.

Officers, non-commissioned officers, and other ranks of organs of state security, and also persons with respect to whom special mention is made in the legislature of the USSR, shall be liable for crimes against the procedure established for their performance of military service in accordance with the appropriate articles of the present Code.

Participation in military crimes by persons not mentioned in the present article shall be punishable in accordance with the appropriate articles of the present Code.

Article 238. Insubordination

a) Insubordination; that is, the direct refusal to carry out the order of a superior, and in like manner any deliberate failure to carry out an order—
shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from one to five years;
b) the same act, when committed by a group of persons, or when it has resulted in serious consequences—
shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to ten years;
c) insubordination, when committed in time of war or under combat conditions—
shall be punishable by death or by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to ten years.

Article 239. Failure to carry out an order

a) The failure to carry out the order of a superior, when