Page:Criminal Code of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, 1961.pdf/85

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Article 242. Acts of violence toward a superior

a) The infliction of bodily injuries, or the beating, of a superior in connection with the performance of military duties by the latter—
shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from two to ten years;
b) the same acts, when committed in time of war or under combat conditions, or if they have caused serious consequences—
shall be punishable by death,or by deprivation of freedom for a period of from five to 15 years.

Article 243. Abuse of a superior by a subordinate, or of a subordinate by a superior

a) The abuse, verbally or by means of a non-violent act, of a superior by a subordinate, or of a senior by a junior, and in like manner the abuse of a subordinate by a superior, or of a junior by his senior, in the performance of military duties by one or more of the aforementioned—
shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three to six months;
b) the same acts, under mitigating circumstances—
shall be punishable by application of the rules of the Disciplinary Regulations of the Armed Forces USSR;
c) abuse involving an act of violence committed under the circumstances enumerated in Item a of the present article—
shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from six months to five years.

Article 244. Assault and battery of one person in military service by another, in the absence of relations of subordination or seniority between them

a) Assault and battery of one person in military service by another, if there is no relationship of subordination or seniority between them, and provided that at least one of such persons was carrying out military duties at the time—
shall be punishable by deprivation of freedom for a period of from three months to one year;
b) the same act, under mitigating circumstances—
shall be punishable by application of the rules of the Disciplinary Regulations of the Armed Forces USSR.

Article 245. Absence over leave

a) Absence over leave from a unit or place of service,