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Thurloe [taking up a paper.]Scotland.—The Grand Provost
Would fain surrender. All the North submits
To the Protector.
Cromwell. To the Protector. Well, what next?
Thurloe. To the Protector. Well, what next? Next, Flanders.—
The Spaniards are prepared to yield. Dunkirk
To the Protector soon will be restored.
Cromwell.What next?
Thurloe. What next? London.—At anchor in the Thames
Are three great vessels laden with the gold
That Blake hath taken from the Portuguese.
Cromwell.What next?
Thurloe. What next? The Duke of Holstein sends to you
Eight Friesland horses.
Cromwell. Eight Friesland horses. Next?
Thurloe. Eight Friesland horses. Next? That you may see
How bitterly he doth regret that he
Gave Rupert shelter, Tuscany's Grand Duke,
To whom Sir Robert Blake hath said a word,
Sends in gold sequins all that twenty mules
Can bear.
Cromwell. Can bear. What next?

Thurloe [taking up another parchment to which a seal is attached by a cord of green silk.

Can bear. What next? The Oxford clerics, who
Your rivals were, do choose you Chancellor
Of th' University.
[Handing the parchment to Cromwell.
Of th' University. The letters patent these.
Cromwell.What next?
Thurloe [seeking among his papers.
What next? His Majesty the Russian Czar
Doth by petition humbly supplicate
Of your good-will a public evidence.