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'Tis one of the misfortunes of the time,
Wherefrom you, too, do suffer grievously.
But you, assume the martyr-king his crown!
You, join his murderers! reign through his death!
Cromwell. Ah! Dost thou know who caused his death?
Lady Frances. Ah! Dost thou know who caused his death? Not I.
I was so young, and, reared in solitude,
I felt our woes, but understood them not.
Cromwell.Did no one ever read to thee the list,
In the King's trial, of the judges,—those—
Lady Frances.The regicides!
Cromwell. The regicides! Yes, of the regicides!
Lady Frances.No one e'er told me who those traitors were.
I cursed their crime, but I knew not their names.
We spoke not of them in our peaceful home.
Cromwell.My sister never talked to you of me?
Lady Frances.Dear father! who says that? I learned to love you—
Cromwell.I trust 'tis so.—But dost thou so abhor
Those fearless subjects who condemned King Charles?
Lady Frances.Oh! may they all be curst!
Cromwell. Oh! may they all be curst! What! all?
Lady Frances. Oh! may they all be curst! What! all? Yes, all!
Cromwell [aside.]Struck to the heart in my own family!
Cursed by my daughter, by my son betrayed!
Lady Frances.May each of them partake the fate of Cain!
Cromwell [aside.]Pitiless innocence! And still men deem
That I go unchastised! My dearest child,
My last-born, an accusing conscience seems.