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Of hooting him! A clown who knows not how
To make a bow!
Cromwell [aside.] …a bow! He may not know himself,
But teaches others.
Murray. But teaches others. What I say is true.
His manner—almost it resembles yours.
Murray. Almost? Yes, you do bear yourself in arms
E'en as a soldier should; you do not raise
Your eyes too high. You have the graceful port
Of a Swiss reiter, for the headlong charge
Or for the drill-field.
Cromwell. Or for the drill-field. You are much too kind.
Murray.No, each man to his trade; you would not choose,
Before a nation's eyes, to simulate
A court, and hoist yourself upon the throne.
The stuff whereof your Cromwell is composed
Is measured by your yard-stick. Is it not
Absurd for Noll to dare to show himself
Upon the royal platform in broad day?
His fortune is a wondrous freak of fate.
Last night he was so awkward at the audience!
Cromwell.And wert thou present?
Murray. And wert thou present? Do not call me "thou,"
My friend! We cannot walk with equal step.
I am a noble Scotsman, you must know.
Men of your sort before my carriage run.
Know you that on my crest I have a wolf?
Moreover, under good King James the First
It was my privilege to be chastised
As proxy for the Prince of Wales.
Cromwell. As proxy for the Prince of Wales. 'Tis true,
Our rank is not the same.
Murray. Our rank is not the same No, happily!