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Among these madmen,
[Pointing to Sedley, Clifford and Rochester.
Among these madmen, And these runagates!
You, the wise man, and just!
Jenkins [gravely.] …se man, and just! 'Tis in your power
To speak in this wise, ay, and worse, mayhap.
Cromwell.You, Jenkins, to my countenance preferred
The privilege of sharing with these dreamers
A punishment that must be exemplary.
Jenkins.Oh! by your leave, friend Cromwell, let us not
Confuse two things: you may avenge yourself,
But cannot punish us. It much imports
In all things to define the words we use.
Tyrannus non judex—a tyrant's not
A judge. If by some traitor's furtherance,
Some renegade's, you've proved yourself to be
The shrewder in this contest; if you have
The force, nathless the right is on our side.
You may deprive us of the law's protection
By violence,—what matters it? We die,
But die against our will, de facto only.
Consult your own attorneys on this point,
Whitelocke, Pierpoint and Maynard; I refer
The question to your chosen counsellors.
Albeit Whitelocke hath a system false,
And Maynard and Pierpoint do often plead
In Reynard's favour 'gainst the poultry-yard.
Cromwell.Good! of the gibbet you shall have your share.
Jenkins.So be it. But I pray you to observe
How great is our advantage over you.
To an angry despot's gibbet we shall go;