Page:Crotchet Castle - Peacock (1831).djvu/190

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not be abated of a single quotation by all the bumpers in which I was fined.

In this manner they glided over the face of the waters, discussing every thing and settling nothing. Mr. Mac Quedy and the Reverend Doctor Folliott had many digladiations on political economy: wherein, each in his own view, Doctor Folliott demolished Mr. Mac Quedy's science, and Mr. Mac Quedy demolished Doctor Folliott's objections.

We would print these dialogues if we thought any one would read them: but the world is not yet ripe for this haute sagesse Pantagrueline. We must therefore content. ourselves with an échantillon of one of the Reverend Doctor's perorations.

"You have given the name of a science to what is yet an imperfect inquiry: and the upshot of your so-called science is this that you increase the wealth of a nation by in-