Page:Crotchet Castle - Peacock (1831).djvu/207

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to be my factotum; I say no more of him in this place: he will give you an account of himself.

Dotandcarryonetown, &c.

Dear Miss,

Mr. Touchandgo will have told you of our arrival here, of our setting up a bank, and so forth. We came here in a tilted waggon, which served us for parlour, kitchen, and all. We soon got up a log-house; and, unluckily, we as soon got it down again, for the first fire we made in it, burned down house and all. However, our second experiment was more fortunate; and we are pretty well lodged in a house of three rooms on a floor; I should say the floor, for there is but one.

This new state is free to hold slaves; all the new states have not this privilege: