Page:Cruise of the Dry Dock.djvu/140

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What was their motive in anchoring the Minnie B in the middle of the Sargasso?

There appeared to be no easy answer to these questions.

“I don't understand this,” said Greer, in answer to Madden's unspoken perplexity. “Where did the crew go, sir, and how did they go?”

“They might have deserted her for her insurance,” suggested Madden tentatively.

“Then why didn't they scuttle her—besides, a new vessel like this is worth more than her insurance.”

“Maybe it was her cargo. Perhaps they faked it, rated it away above its value.”

“Why she has no cargo, sir. She's riding light as a skiff; I noticed that as I climbed up.”

“Then what is your idea?” inquired the American.

Greer glanced around with a trace of uneasiness. “The crew went by the board, sir, I'm thinking.”

“Overboard—all washed overboard! Why there isn't one chance in a million of such a thing hap—”