Page:Cruise of the Dry Dock.djvu/168

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by steam!” “Steam's th' word!” A storm of determination cried down any such suggestion.

“D'ye mean a dozin str-rong min can't run one little engine!” shouted Hogan; “r-rich min, too! It's a shame, lads, we haven't a dhrop o' something to dhrink the health av th' ixpedition.”

“Yes, Mister Madden, a drop o' something!” urged another voice.

At that moment, Gaskin entered the door with suppressed excitement showing through his usually imperturbable manner.

“Hi—Hi beg pardon, Mister Madden. Hi, don't want to interrupt, but—” he rubbed his hands with a little bob—“but would you 'ave th' goodness to step outside for a look, sir. Hi think th' Minnie B is on fire.”

And the fairy dreams, evoked by a wave of Fortune's wand, crept silently back into the hearts of their owners.