Page:Cruise of the Dry Dock.djvu/17

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The Cruise of the Dry Dock



“She's movin'!” cried a voice from the crowd on the wharf side. “Watch 'er! Watch 'er!”

A dull English cheer rippled over the waterfront.

“Blarst if I see why she moves!” marveled an onlooker. “That tug looks like a water bug 'itched to a 'ouse-boat—it's hunreasonable!”

“Aye, but they're tur'ble stout, them tugs be,” argued a companion.

“It's hunreasonable, just the same, 'Enry!”

“Everything's hunreasonable at sea, 'Arry. W'y w'en chaps put to sea they tell we're they're at by lookin' at th' sun.”

“Aw! An' not by lookin' at th' map?”

“By lookin' at th' sun, 'pon honor!”

“Don't try to jolly me like that, 'Enry, me lad; that's more hunreasonable than this.”