Page:Cruise of the Dry Dock.djvu/269

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load all the prize stores they capture out o' Hinglish bottoms into submarines an' run it into Germany under th' blockade. See? That's w'y this mother ship is 'ere. She fixes 'em up at this end for their run back.”

Malone told all this in a hoarse breath.

“What do they do with their prisoners—keep them here?”

“No, ship 'em to German East Africa an' intern 'em. The Prince Eitel is due 'ere tomorrow to ship us.”

So that was the explanation of all this mystery—War!

Madden fell silent with the sensation of a man who had lost his footing on earth. All his life he had been accustomed to peace. He thought of wars as small affairs that broke out now and then in South America or when the American Indians got hold of whiskey. But for Germany, France, England to fight, to hurl millions of men at each other! It was inconceivable!

The boy's brain felt numb as if crushed beneath an enormous horror. The world was at war!