Page:Cruise of the Dry Dock.djvu/59

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don't understand. Make the men step, lively, same as if you was me.”

By this time the tug had slowed down a trifle and a boat put out from her. While it came bobbing over the water, Malone bawled his men together and briefly explained his transfer of authority.

“Be back jest as soon as Parker's all right,” he said as he climbed from dock to dancing boat below. “And, by the way, Mr. Madden, you will bunk in my cabin.”

That “Mister Madden” from the mate was the great seal of authority. The men looked at him with new eyes.

Somehow, Malone's confidence pleased Madden. That uncouth, bullet-headed officer had not spent his whole life on the high seas, belaboring all classes of men into serviceableness, without being able to judge the genus homo pretty shrewdly.

The navvies accepted the new officer in stolid submission, but Hogan clapped his hands. “Hey, a spache fr-rom th' new boss!” he grinned.

Leonard laughed. “My speech is to get back