Page:Cruise of the Jasper B (1916).djvu/235

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GONE!" Lady Agatha, who had emerged from her stateroom, turned pale and caught at her heart.

They rushed on deck. The young Doctor was right; the box, which had stood on the larboard side of the cabin, had disappeared.

"It might have been blown into the canal during the storm," suggested the Rev. Mr. Calthrop. All of the crew of the Jasper B. knew Lady Agatha's story, and were aware of the importance of the box.

"It was on the lee side of the cabin," objected Dr. Farnsworth, "and while it might have been blown flat to the deck, in spite of its protected position, it would scarcely have been picked up by the wind again and wafted over the port bulwarks."

"If you was to ask me," said Cap'n Abernethy, who had joined in the discussion, "I'd give it as my opinion it's a good riddance of bad rubbish."

"Rubbish?" said Miss Pringle. "Rubbish, indeed!