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the Queen at St. James' s Nov. 5.

very kind Reception of Two [1] of the Traitors at Rome, by the Preferment of One in the Pope's own Court, and by inſerting Two others,[2] executed for it into the Jeſuits, Catalogue of Engliſh Martyrs, invoking one of them among their interceding Saints, and valuing the Straw on which his Body lay, as a Relique of great Price? They who act ſo, put too much upon us, when requiring our Belief, that Abhorrence of the Guilt makes any part of their Grie fupon this Occaſion. Till therefore they think fit to give ſome other ſort of Teſtimonies; we muſt have Leave to ſuſpect, that ſuch Men condemn this Treaſon, as a true Popiſh Spirit does the Maſſacre of[3] Paris, for being done by halves, and not anſwering its purpoſe.

Happy however it is for Us, that One above, whoſe Judgment is always right, declared the Deteſtation of the impious Attempt, by deteſting, and, as on this Day, utterly defeating it. Happy, that he hath ever ſince continued, to hew the Snares of theſe ungodly in pieces. For I cannot think we do them any Wrong, by apprehending the ſame Hand more or leſs concerned, in all the Miſeries and Confuſion of this Kingdom ever ſince. They apppear but too manifeſtly never to have wanted the Will, though (God be praiſed) they have often wanted the Power, to embroil and enſlave us. When they imagined themſelves in Poſſeſſion of That alſo, what Improvement they made of the Opportunity, by abuſing the miſguided Zeal of an unfortunate Prince, I delight not, and indeed I need not, to put you in remembrance. Your ſelves both felt the Fear, and ſaw the Danger. Of which I now deſire to make no other Uſe, than that of exciting your Thankfulneſs for the Deliverance. For, that the Fifth of November might ſhine with double Luſtre, on It our Religious and Civil

  1. Gerard alias Everard (before whome the Scrament and Oath of Secrecy was taken) and Greenwel alias Teſmond, who confirm'd the before ſcrupulous Conſcience of Bates, Servant to Catesby, by aſſuring him, the Deſign was not only lawful but meritorious. Thuan. Lib. 135. part. 2.
  2. Hall alias Oldcorn, and Garnet
  3. Gabr. Naide Conſiderations Politiques ſur les Coups d'Etat. From pag. 167 to 181.