Page:Culloden-day, an old song (1).pdf/2

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The heath-cock craw’d o’er muir and dale;
Red raiſe the fun o’er diſtant vale;
Our Northern Clans, wi’ dinſome yell,
Around their Chiefs were gathering.

O Duncan are ye ready yet,
McDonald are ye ready yet,
O Frafer the ye ready yet
To join the Clans in the morning?

On youder hills our Clans appear,
The fun back frae their ſpears ſhine clear;
The Southren trumps falls on my ear;
’Twill be an awfu’ morning!
O Duncan are ye ready yet? &c.

The Prince is come, to claim his ain,
A ſtem o’ Stewart’s glorious name;
What Highlander his ſword wad hain
For Charlie’s cauſe this morning?
O Duncan are ye ready yet? &c.

Nae mair we’ll chaſe the fleet fleet roe,
O’er downie glen, or mountain brow.
But ruſh like tempeſt on the foe.
Wi’ ſword and targe this morning!

O Duncan are ye ready yet? &c.