Page:Curiosities of Olden Times.djvu/254

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Curiosities of Olden Times

but with no results. One evening, however, as he was walking home, deep in thought, a poor Brahmin clamoured for alms. The minister made no answer; but when the pauper continued his importunities, he said, sharply,—

'Far flies rumour with three pairs of ears';

to which the Brahmin promptly answered—

'The man is an idiot, so have no fears.'

"Hearing this, the old man was arrested by his interest. He hastily continued—

'The beggar may rise to royal degree';

and the Brahmin responded without hesitation—

'The monarch descend to beggary.'

"The minister caught him at once by the hand, and insisted on hearing his story. No sooner was he made aware of what had been done by the hunchback, than he hastened to the palace, where he found the queen bathed in tears over a favourite parrot, which lay dead on her lap. The old man concerted with her a plan for the destruction of the hunchback and the restoration of the true king; then he secretly introduced the transformed Mukunda into the chamber, and summoned the false king.

"'O sire,' said the queen, 'if you love me restore my pretty parrot to life.'

"'That is easily effected,' answered the fool.

"In an instant his body fell rigid, and his soul