Page:Cuthbert Bede--Little Mr Bouncer and Tales of College Life.djvu/121

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ished. The conversation turned upon Mr. Four-in-hand Fosbrooke and his friend the coachman.

"Like Jack Adams, of the Royal Defiance, that man is a bit of a character," said Charles Larkyns, "as are many of his race; more especially those who have

driven University coaches: like, for example, Smith of the Blue Boar, Trinity Street, Cambridge, who drove the Newmarket and Bury St. Edmunds coach that went by the name of the Slow and Dirty. Then, there was the Oxford coachman who had acquired a parrot-like facility for spouting scraps out of the Latin Grammar, for the use, and abuse, of which specimens of the dead language he was known as the Classical Coachman. Many of these old fellows are quaint characters."