Page:Cuthbert Bede--Little Mr Bouncer and Tales of College Life.djvu/225

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On from Swindon, the train hurried him to Gloucester; then Ross was reached, and at Hereford he had come to the termination of his railway journey.

There, according to his instructions, his groom was in waiting, with a saddle-horse and the Whitechapel cart. The luggage and three dogs were placed in the latter; Mr. Bouncer mounted the former, and galloped away to Gay's Court, where his mother and sister were delighted to see him, and where he once again found himself in the home of his ancestors.

Under what more favourable circumstances could we leave the little gentleman?

Ladies and gentlemen! Mr. Bouncer makes his best bow to you, and thanks you for having tolerated his society. He has been well pleased to meet you, and hopes that you also may have experienced some little pleasure in meeting him. And now he must say "Good bye!" having got to