Page:Cuthbert Bede--Little Mr Bouncer and Tales of College Life.djvu/252

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a divination far more readily arrived at from a superficial study of the visitor's outward man, than if the internal anatomy of the victim had been consulted.

"The missis and master have just druv off to the Cristial Palliss at Siddynam, Sir," said the affable Canary, in reply to Romeo's inquiry as to who was at home; "and the young ladies is gone a hairin' in the park, with Mamselle and Pinner; but Miss Fanny is at 'ome, Sir, and is a writin' in the drawin' room by 'erself. I 'ope I see you well, Sir."

Quite well, thank you, Mr. Affable Canary, although I do happen to be Æger, so take up my card to Miss Douglas.

And the affable Canary takes a piece of pasteboard imprinted with the name of "Mr. Percival Wylde;" and that young gentleman, after desiring the Cabby to wait for him, trips up the stairs, softly singing a carmen triumphale.



The affable Canary had not deviated from the truth when he told Mr. Percival Wylde that Miss Fanny Douglas was at home, alone, and in the back drawing-room; for, there she was.

She was seated before a curly-legged, lady-like looking writing-table, on which were strewed, in picturesque disorder, letters answered and unanswered, together with the snowy sheets that were yet to receive the pencillings