Page:Cuthbert Bede--Little Mr Bouncer and Tales of College Life.djvu/273

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pounds, invested in the five per cents.; and as this legacy slightly altered the complexion of affairs, the Old Boy was graciously pleased to withdraw his prohibition against his son's union with the fortune-possessing Miss Fanny, who in due process of time, and with all due ceremony and rejoicing, was converted into Mrs. Percival Wylde.

It is believed that it was on the evening of their wedding day, that the arrangement was finally agreed upon which terminated in the affable Canary withdrawing Pinner from Mrs. Percival Wylde's service, and constituting her the hostess of that old-established house, and well-known resort of the Belgrayian livery—"The Polyphemus and Squint"—to the good-will of which he had just succeeded.

And it is believed, that although Mr. Percival Wylde is continually attended by Doctor Love, yet that he is no more "æger" than he was on that memorable morning when he encountered the Old Boy at Hyde Park Corner.