Page:Cuthbert Bede--Little Mr Bouncer and Tales of College Life.djvu/292

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Algernon Alvanley, was "Captain in the —th Light Dragoons" (Fred.'s regiment).

This discovery was exceedingly agreeable to our feelings, as we had now an additional incentive to aid poor Amy. Nelly entered heart and soul into the scheme; delighted at being able to assist a friend of her affianced husband.

Both she and I remained in a great state of excitement all the evening, longing for midnight to arrive. "It will be impossible for me to go to sleep," said Nell; "so I shall take a book to my room, and sit up till you can come and tell me the result of the night's adventure."

To Mrs. Rummell, I said "that I was going out, and should not be back till late: would she give me a latch-key? and that would prevent any of the servants' sitting up for me."

"Oh, certainly, Sir, with the greatest of pleasure; it was n't every gentleman that had so much thought for servants."

All being prepared, as the hour of midnight drew nigh, I sallied out with Trap, and commenced my vigil. The hotel was situate on the outside of the little town. Its front (where was our suite of rooms) looked over the cliffs towards the sea; its north side (where Amy had told me was her bedroom) was bounded by the Avenue-road, a road overhung by lime-trees, which led towards the inland, and which, at the distance of between three and four hundred yards, met at right angles, the North-road. It was at this point that I was to meet Captain Alvanley.