Page:Cutter of Coleman-street - Cowley (1663).djvu/51

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Cutter of Coleman-street.
Cut.Why the wonder of it is, that it is to be miraculous.

Joll.But Miracles are ceas'd, Brother, in this wicked Age of Cavalerism.

Cut.They are not ceas'd, Brother, nor shall they cease till the Monarchy be establish'd.

I say again I am to return, and to return upon a Purple Dromadary, which signifies Magistracy, with an Ax in my hand that is called Reformation, and I am to strike with that Ax upon the Gate of Westminster-hall, and cry, Down Babylon, and the Building called Westminster-hall is to run away and cast it self into the River, and then Major General Harrison is to come in Green sleeves from the North upon a Sky-colour'd Mule, which signifies heavenly Instruction.

Tab.Oh the Father! he's as full of Mysteries as an Egg is full of meat.

Cut.And he is to have a Trumpet in his mouth as big as a Steeple, and at the sounding of that Trumpet all the Churches in London are to fall down.

Wid.O strange, what times shall we see here in poor England!

Cut.And then Venner shall march up to us from the West in the figure of a Wave of the Sea, holding in his hand a Ship that shall be call'd the Ark of the Reform'd.

Joll.But when must this be, Brother Abednego?

[Exit.Cut.Why all these things are to be when the Cat of the North has o're-come the Lion of the South, and when the Mouse of the West has slain the Elephant of the East. I do hear a silent Voice within me, that bids me rise up presently and declare these things to the Congregation of the Lovely in Coleman-street. Tabitha, Tabitha, Tabitha, I call thee thrice, come along with me, Tabitha.

Tab.There was something of this, as I remember, in my last Vision of Horns the other day. Holy man! I follow thee; farewell, forsooth, Mother, till anon.

[Exeunt.Joll.Come, let's go in too, Sister.
