Page:Cutter of Coleman-street - Cowley (1663).djvu/56

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Cutter of Coleman-street.
Trum. j.Be pleas'd, Sir, to consider——

Trum. s.Look you, Sir, I must consider now, he upbraids his father with the want of consideration, like a Varlet as he is.

Trum. j.What shall I do? why should not I do any thing,
Since all things are indifferent?

Joll.I beseech you, Mr. Truman, have but a little patience——— Your father, Sir, desires to know——

Trum. s.I do not desire him, Colonel, nor never will desire him, I command him upon the duty of a Child——

Joll.Whether you can dispose your self to love and marry my daughter Aurelia, and if you can, for several reasons we desire it may be presently consummated.

Trum. j.Out with it, stubborn Tongue;
I shall obey my father, Sir, in all things.

Trum. s.Ha! what dee' you say, Sir?

Joll.This old testy Fool is angry, I think, to have no more occasion given him of being so.

Trum. j.I shall obey you, Sir.

Joll.You speak, Sir, like a vertuous Gentleman, the same obedience and resignation, to a father's will, I found in my Aurelia, and where two such persons meet, the issue cannot chuse but be successful.

Trum. s.Ah Dick, my son Dick, he was always the best natur'd Boy——— he was like his father in that— he makes me weep with tenderness, like an old fool as I am— Thou shalt have all my Estate, Dick, I'l put my self to a pension rather than thou shalt want——— go spruse up thy self a little presently, thou art not merry 'Ifaith, Dick, prethee be merry, Dick, and fetch fine Mrs. Aurelia presently to the little Church behind the Colonel's Garden, Mr. Soaker shall be there immediately and wait for you at the Porch (we'l have it instantly, Colonel, done, lest the young fool should relapse) come, dear Dick, let's go cheerily on with the business.

Trum. j.What have I said? what am I doing? the best is, it is no matter what I say or do.

Joll.I'l see Aurelia shall be ready, and all things on my part within this half hour.

[Exeunt.Trum. s.Good, honest, noble Colonel, let me shake you by the hand. Come, dear Dick, we lose time.
