Page:Cutter of Coleman-street - Cowley (1663).djvu/64

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Cutter of Coleman-street.
They would all Learn to flatter and dissemble,
They would deceive with Promises and Vows
Some simple men, and then prove False and Kill 'em,
Would they not do't, Aurelia?

Aur.I, any thing Mr. Truman; but what shall we do Sir, when we are marry'd, pray?

Trum.Why! wee'l live very Lovingly together,
Sometimes wee'l sit and talk of excellent things,
And laugh at all the Nonsence of the world;
Sometimes wee'l walk together,
Sometimes wee'l read, and sometimes eat, and sometimes sleep;
And sometimes pray, and then at last, wee'l dye,
And go to Heaven together; 'twill be rare!

Aur.We may do all this (me-thinks) and never marry for the matter.

Trum.'Tis true, we may so!
But since our Parents are resolv'd upon it,
In such a Circumstance let 'em have their humor.
My father sent me in to Complement,
And keep a Prating here, and play the Fool;
I cannot do't, what should I say, Aurelia?
What do they use to say?

Aur.I believe you knew Sir, when you Woo'd my Cozen.

Trum.I, but those Days are past; they'r gon for ever,
And nothing else, but Nights are to succeed 'em;
Gone like the faith and truth of Women kind,
And never to be seen again! O Lucia!
Thou wast a woundrous Angel in those days of thy blest state of Innocence.
There was a Cheek! a Fore-head! and an Eye!—
Did you observe her Eye, Aurelia?

Aur.O yes Sir! there were very pretty Babies in't.

Trum.It was as glorious as the Eye of Heaven;
Like the souls Eye it peirc'd through every thing;
And then her Hands— her Hands of Liquid Ivory!
Did she but touch her Lute (the pleasing'st Harmony then upon Earth when she her self was silent)
The subtil motion of her Flying fingers
Taught Musique a New art, to take the Sight, as well as Ear.
