Page:Cutter of Coleman-street - Cowley (1663).djvu/67

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Cutter of Coleman-street.
Pun.I Sir, and as the Sun has us'd us in those hot Countries.

Wor.Why, this is my old house here, John; ha, ha! little thought I to see my old house upon Tower-hill again. Where's my brother Jolly?

Joll.They call me Colonel Jolly.

[Looks on his Note.Wor.Ha! let me see,
A burly man of a moderate stature——— a beard a little greyish——— ha! a quick Eye, and a Nose inclining to red—

Pun.Nay, 'tis my Master's Worship, Sir, would we were no more alter'd since our Travels.

Wor.It agrees very well——— Save you good brother, you little thought to see me here again, though I dare say you wish'd it; stay, let me see, how many years, John, is't since we went from hence?

Pun.'Tis now seven years, Sir.

Wor.Seven? me-thinks I was here but yesterday, how the what de-ye-call-it-runs? how do you call it?

Pun.The Time, Sir.

Wor.I, I, the time, John; what was I saying? I was telling you, brother, that I had quite forgot you; was I not telling him so, John?

Joll.Faith we'r both quits then; I'l swear I ha' forgot you; why you were dead five years ago.

Wor.Was I? I ha' quite forgot it; John, was I dead five years ago? my memory fails me very much of late.

Pun.We were worse than dead, Sir, we were taken by a barbarous Nation, and there made slaves; John, quoth he? I was poor John I'm sure; they kept us three whole years with nothing but Water and Acorns, till we look'd like Wicker bottles.

Wor.What, Sirrah, did your Master look like? I'l teach you to say your Master look'd like what de-ye-call 'ums.

Joll.Where did they take you prisoners?

Wor.Nay, ask John, he can tell you I warrant you; 'twas in———tell him, John, where it was.

Pun.In Guiny.

Joll.By what Country-men were you taken?

Wor.Why they were called——— I ha' forgot what they call'em, 'twas an odd kind o' name, but John can tell you.

Pun.Who I, Sir? do you think I can remember all things?

Wor.'Tis i' my Book here I remember well. Name any Nation under the Sun.
