Page:Cutter of Coleman-street - Cowley (1663).djvu/69

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Cutter of Coleman-street.
Joll.This is no Answer to my Question yet.

Wor.'Tis true indeed; what was your Question, brother?

Joll.Where you left your Will?

Wor.Good Lord, that I should forget you ask'd me that! I had forgot it, i'faith law that I had, you'l pardon, I hope, my Infirmity, for I alas—alas—I ha' forgot what I was going to say to you, but I was saying something, that I was.

Joll.Well, Gentlemen, I'm now in haste, walk but a while into the Parlour there, I'l come to you presently.

Wor.But where's my daughter——

Pun.Lucia, Sir?

Wor.I, Lucia——— put me in mind to ask for her (a plague o' your Tartarians.)

Pun.And o'your What dee-ye-call-'ems.

Exeunt Worm, Puny.Wor.'Life, Tartarians!

Joll.If these be Rogues, (as Rogues they seem to be) I will so exercise my Rogues, the tyranny of a new Beadle over a Beggar shall be nothing to't; what think'st thou of 'em, Will?

Will.Faith, Sir, I know not——— h'as just my Masters Nose and Upper-lip; but if you think it be not he, Sir, I'l beat 'em worse than the Tartarians did.

Joll.No, let's try 'em first—trick for trick— Thou were wont to be a precious Knave, and a great Actor too, a very Roscius; did'st not thou play once the Clown in Musidorus?

Will.No, but I plaid the Bear, Sir.

Joll.The Bear! why that's as good a Part; thou'rt an Actor then I'l warrant thee, the Bears a well-penn'd Part, and you remember my Brother's humor, don't you? They have almost hit it.

Will.I, Sir, I knew the shortness of his memory, he would always forget to pay me my Wages, till he was put in mind of't.

Joll.Well said, I'l dress thee within, and all the Servants shall acknowledge thee, you conceive the Design——— be confident, and thou cast not miss; but who shall do trusty John?

Will:Oh, Ralph the Butler, Sir, 's an excellent try'd Actor, he play'd a King once; I ha' heard him speak a Play ex tempore in the Butteries.

Joll.O excellent Ralph! incomparable Ralph against the world!
